Guidance by Shri C.B Satpathy ji
Why do you come to the temple of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba ? a) Is it because you love Baba so much that at least without His symbolic presence ,life seems meaningless to you ? b) Is it because you take some time out of your busy schedule and come to Baba's temple for generating a nobler state of mind by praying,singing aarti and doing pooja etc ? c) Is it because you have too many problems around you in the practical world surrounding you and cannot fight and therefore run to the temple for getting blessings of Baba ? d) Is it because you have problems and want to solve it through Baba's grace within the desired period in the desired method ?
Do you remember Baba having said that all seeds planted need not necessarily become trees.Are you prepared to believe that you may not get as much results as you wish by coming to the temple?
Whatever you offer to Baba ,are they out of your honest income?
Do you think it is proper to make presents to Baba out of your dishonest income?
Don’t you remember that Baba had refused to take gold and silver presents from a Queen who had come in a palanquin but,had accepted a single chapaati with an onion from an old lady offered out of love?
Are you coming to temple to satisfy your sentimental requirements at the cost of your family members and other dependents? Don't you remember Baba had forced Mahalsapati to go and stay with family because he was coming and staying at Dwarkamai .Are you doing your family duties perfectly?
Do you come to temple to socialize because you have known people there and to gossip about things.Don't you think it is a useless wastage of time to talk,discuss topics pertaining to issues other than that of Baba ,religion and spiritualism.
Don't you think that it is better to spend your time in meditating on Baba ,praying ,participating in aarti or by reading books like Sai Satcharitra etc.
Since no one is perfect ,don't you think it is improper to think of the imperfections of others or gossip bout them In the temple?Don't you remember that Baba had told one person that talking ill of other person is like a pig eating dirty food,just as some find fault in others.
Do you think that your devotional level is higher than that of others and therefore criticize about others way of worshipping. Don't you think that it is highly negetive approach.
Don't you agree with Sri Sai saying that we meet people and face problems because of Rinanubandha I.e debt of the past life.If we believe in this saying of Baba then isn't it required of us to accept our own problems and not always cry and fret about them . Do you think that anyone is so specially chosen by God that He will have no pain and problem but only happiness?
Do you have the amount of patience (Saburi) and faith (Shraddha) needed to come closer to Baba.Do you think that your Shraddha is constant or it changes with problems and situations? Do you change your mentors frquently?
Baba always advised people to develop qualities of kindness,impartiality ,sympathy , tolerance and sacrifice to others.How much sacrifice do you do for others at your cost?Do you think that whatever little sacrifice you think you do is enough?
Do you remember Baba having said that when two persons are fighting ,the the person that doesn't hurt the others or tolerates the negetives is dearer to me .Do you do so?
Do you think that unbridled sentimentality,which includes crying and wailing etc are required in spiritual path?Don't you know by such sentiments ,you, at times ,cause harm to others and contaminate good atmosphere.Is it not better to contain your emotionality within yourself,and not make a public display of it to establish your devotional fervour?
You want yourself to be sympathetically dealt by others and also to be understood.Don't you think that others ,also would be expecting the same from you.Do you do so?
Do you think that by being jealous about others improvements even in the devotional field,you gain anything?
Whatever work you do for Baba , are you doing it honestly and with intensity I.e purity of thought,or do you do it in a casual manner?
We want Sri Sai to take care of all your problem but do we equally try to even do a fraction of His work perfectly for His cause?
Do you think the blessings of God will come to you when you don't qualify for it,breaking the law of Karma I.e action and reaction syndrome?
Don't you think it is proper that you first work for His cause which qualifies for His blessings. Good resultd do follow ultimately in accordance with the 'Law of Karma'. If you really want to have the blessings of Baba and live peacefully along with your fellowmen,first improve your own qualities on the lines indicated in the preceding paragraphs. THINK ,THINK AND THINK
Om Sai Ram...Well said :)
ReplyDeleteYes it clearly explains to us that we should not blindly just go to Baba's Temple or even any Holy place for that matter and do what we do without realising why we do it. We should consciously do it with sincerity and clear intention.